Roasted Whole Turkey Breast

A whole Bone In Turkey Breast contains two lobes of breast meat. Serving Turkey Breast roasted is the most common and is also the broadest way to prepare this meat cut. Using this simple cooking method also allows for you to experiment with different vegetables and spices that all create different flavors suited to your dining experience. With this recipe I decided to use Arabic spices that have aromas of cumin, pepper, lemon, dill and turmeric, amongst many others. However, you may use any vegetables and spices that you wish for this same method of cooking.
Another debate on turkey breast is whether to cook it breast down or breast up. Cooking the turkey breast up will allow your turkey skin to get crispy while leaving the breast inside tender. Note* skin must cover all of the turkey meat or your meat will dry out.* Cooking your turkey breast side down will cook the breast within the juices allowing for stronger flavor and more tenderness. I personally like to do a combination of both. First I cook the breast side down then the last 30 min I flip it over and crisp the turkey skin.
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